Boil Alerts and Your Health
Boil alerts are becoming a commonplace problem throughout the United States. Old water mains, water filtration infrastructure, and antiquated sanitizing infrastructure only paint part of the problem. Floods, droughts, hurricanes, tornadoes, industrial toxins, vegetable and fruit farm runoff, dairy, pig, and poultry farms all contribute to the dispersion of E.coli, salmonella and coliform bacteria. This is an almost inculpable problem with estimates ranging from billions to trillions of dollars of infrastructure upgrades and reforms to our processes to create clean and potable water. Simply stated there is no clear way on the macro level to address all of these concerns. Therefore, the onus falls on individuals to address these issues on the micro level. Glacier Springs tracks boil alerts and we have developed systems that can address your needs in the direst of circumstances. Water is the element that provides life on this planet and provides approximately 85% of your body composition. Ignoring the problems with city or well water does not make them go away, but having a comprehensive approach to ensuring clean water for your home will negate future health issues. It is unfortunate that our society has so severely polluted our water table and we can no longer rely on safe water from our municipalities. However, we can choose to do something about it and that is where Glacier Springs Water can assist you in safe, consumable water for your home. We can also protect your plumbing and appliances. Speak with one of our representatives and we will address your unique situation and provide you with a comprehensive solution to mitigate your concerns.