Hair, skin, and your water
Hair and skin absorb water during bathing sessions. Some people are more susceptible to skin irritation and show signs of contamination more readily than others. It is a common misnomer that soft water makes for clean, oily, healthy hair and skin, but nothing could be further from the truth. The primary chemical responsible for dry hair and skin is chlorine. Unless the salt-based water softener comes with a carbon filtration system prior to the softener then the primary root of the problem will not be addressed. Salt is also used to dry out food products and has the same impact on your hair and skin. Individuals with skin issues or immune deficiencies are even more susceptible to impurities in water. According to recent studies 50 to 80% of dissolved chemicals in water are released into the atmosphere when water is heated enough to provide steam. Breathing airborne chemicals has a higher absorption rate and is more harmful to our health than drinking water impregnated with toxins. Exposure to these toxins increases the likely hood of illness and disease exponentially. Common side effects include itchy eyes, runny nose, asthma attacks, skin irritation such as eczema and plaque psoriasis. The most common forms of cancer that can be stimulated by the toxins commonly found in city water are bladder, colon, breast and kidney. There can also be substantial impact to organs such as the heart, kidneys, lungs, and liver. Glacier Springs Water continues to lead the industry in research and development. We look forward to assisting you in attaining clean, potable water for your home.